School Services

Our goal is to foster and maintain a positive self-image

One thing I always hear from adults who have discovered meditation, yoga, and mindfulness practices is, “I wish I had this when I was in school.” Our work extends to the school system because the years we spend in that time shape our adult years. Mindfulness at this pre-collegiate age fosters a positive self-image that is healthy, confident, and secure. 

Our work in the school systems ranges from k-12 with an emphasis on grades 7-12. We host school assemblies, individual classes, and one-on-one mentorship. Our work varies based on the needs of each school, and includes but is not limited to the programs listed via our services. Previous programs include senior-day, field-day, movement-story for kids, and health class presentations.

We host school assemblies, individual classes, and one-on-one mentorship. Our work varies based on the needs of each school, and includes but is not limited to the programs listed via our services. Previous programs include senior-day, field-day, movement-story for kids, and health class presentations.

School-Wide learning

We believe the key to healthy growth is a commitment to life-long learning. The Lifelong Mindfulness Project helps students relieve stress and communicate their emotions in a healthy way. In our program, students define “safe space” for themselves and set the conditions they need to openly discuss their mental health. We empower the students to name their boundaries and equip them with tools to cope with stress. 

We host in-class meditations, gym yoga, and open discussions on a myriad of topics. Students document key moments in their wellness journey that effectively supports their well-being. This helps to create their own guide book for navigating life through mindfulness. 

Students have reported that they are having better conversations within their families, feel more capable of reconciling conflict, and reinforce positive beliefs about themselves. The Lifelong Consciousness Project is looking to restore a sense of harmony that has a lasting impact on their collegiate and post-collegiate years.

senior programs

High-School seniors are making a big leap into the adult world. We are helping them graduate mindfully. Some seniors may be headed to college, others trade school, and some may be uncertain of what lies ahead. This program helps students navigate expectations from society, family, and their own inner voice. Topics include burnout, party culture, and staying grounded. As we do with our school wide programs, seniors create their own guidebook of techniques to keep along their journey.

Field day

Field day is fun for kids of all levels. We set up a station at field days that has a bunch of breathing and movement games. We take classic games such as tag/redlight greenlight, and add a yoga-inspired interpretation.

Movement and stories for kids

Psycho-Somatic movement, such as yoga, is also a tool for creativity and understanding. We have had the pleasure of working with middle-school students, with special learning needs, on storytelling through bodies and shapes. This work has creatively expanded the ways our work shows up as an accessible practice for people of all learning abilities.

Boys group/affinity organizations

Our work facilitating men’s healing circles helped show us how many issues men deal with that stem from their childhood and teenage years. Ideas around manhood and healthy habits are discussed amongst boy-identified students. Our work is supported and cross referenced with other affinity groups within the school, and we help foster dialogue between all different ethnic and gendered groups. Our work in the school systems has allowed us to speak at various boy groups, ranging from public school varsity sports to feminist-driven boys clubs in private institutions. Topics include defining masculinity for oneself, understanding the effects of patriarchal dominance in culture, expressing emotions, and creating a safe-space for brotherhood. 

Parent-teacher workshops

A healthy connection between teacher, parent, and children boosts healthy autonomy and fruitful communication. We have hosted workshops on how to discuss hard topics with our children, which empowers adults with tools for demonstrating authentic and vulnerable connection. We help teachers and parents find the tools to find peace within themselves, something that is necessary in communicating honestly and authentically. We break unhealthy barriers so that the kids feel comfortable in expressing themselves openly. 


All services available virtually or in-person


Your personal wellness begins with you. Invest in yourself and watch the quality of your life improve greatly. We offer customizable 1-on-1 and small group sessions for individuals, partners, and families.


Conscious business keeps clients optimal. A supportive work environment creates a fully-integrated team. Our work in business wellness builds relationships. Discover the ways you can strengthen your company’s vision with our team building programs.


Each session is adapted for individuals and groups

Mobility Sessions

Yoga helps build mental health and also improves one’s immunity. We have three mobility programs that can be adjusted for all shapes and sizes.

Mindfulness Sessions

This is the cornerstone of our work. In our mindfulness sessions, we teach the basics of meditation, deep-breathing, and releasing stress. Using our “Qalm Engineering”, clients report improved outlook, mood, and overall mental health.

Keynote Presentations & Workshops

Experience transformation in your group or company setting. Enrich your workplace culture with techniques that keep everyone feeling whole. Our Keynotes and Workshops are tailored to each organization’s needs around enriching workplace culture.

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